السبت، 14 مايو 2011

( Palestine ) USA TODAY - Editorial Department (KMM1523517V98507L0KM)

Dear USA TODAY Reader:

On behalf of the Editorial Board of USA TODAY, thank you for the letter to the editor you submitted.

Your opinion is important to us. If your letter is one of those selected for publication, congratulations. The competition for space is keen.

Regretfully, although we would like to publish all of the 800 to 1,000 letters we receive weekly, we are unable to do so. If no one from USA TODAY has called you within two weeks, it is probable that your letter has not been selected. Don't give up; try again.

Those letters that are published are selected for their timeliness, clarity, accuracy and length, as well as for the insight and perspective they provide. Letters of 250 words or fewer are the most likely to be published.

Our goal is to put together a daily package of diverse opinions reflecting views from people representing all walks of life, different areas of the country and overseas.

Again, thank you for your interest in USA TODAY. We look forward to hearing from you again.


Brian Gallagher
Editor of the Editorial Page

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